Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Fallen Temple

Over the past few years, I've become a bit jaded about any games that look like they were made in RPG Maker. When I was a teenager, and even in my early 20s, I would've been all over anything that remotely looked like a 16-bit era Final Fantasy game boasting 20+ hours of wandering and talking with people.

I'm pleased to report that Fallen Temple, an Early Access game on Steam, is anything BUT that. While the game is sparse (and also the undertaking of one person, as opposed to a team) right now, the gameplay is very reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, with quest assignments and a hub town that remind me of the Diablo games.

While I am (with exception) usually skeptical of Early Access games (we all recently lost Bot Colony before the official release due to its unsustainability), Fallen Temple shows a lot of process, and the sole developer is making strides with updates, the implementation of a day/night cycle, and filling the game world with puzzles, monsters, secrets, and everything that makes for a great action RPG.

This is definitely a game to watch as it develops - though it probably couldn't hurt to encourage the developer by tossing a few dollars his way. Fallen Temple retails for $4.99 (USD) on Steam.

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