Thursday, July 16, 2015

Battlefield Hardline With DeathStalks18

Sometimes I get in the mood to watch the chaos of One vs. All or the mayhem that ensues when Squad-based games go wrong. Then there are the people who do it right. People who use the advantages of the maps in games like Battlefield Hardline. DeathStalks18 is one of those individuals, who can size up a game and get in there to deliver an entertaining live stream on Twitch. Seriously, watching DeathStalks18 makes me want to start using my XB1 more often - but then again, it's so fun just to watch him play, that there's little else I want to do.

Watch live video from DeathStalks18 on

DeathStalks18 doesn't adhere to a schedule, but he tries to stream live at least 2-3 hours on weekdays, and 6-7 hours on weekends. Check him out!

Friday, July 10, 2015

FFXIV LPs With Aina Baasch

Sometimes my own schedule leaves me with little time play game (especially as of late), so I've taken to watching people who are really good at playing the games I enjoy. Lately, I've been watching Twitch streamer ainabaasch play FFXIV, because I get to see the whole game, and get to see some awesome endgame raids, dungeons, and new expansion content that I'm probably not going to be able to get to for months.

Watch live video from ainabaasch on

Aina Baasch is extremely good at the game, and highly entertaining to watch. (In fact, I've spent a good amount of time working with her raid videos playing in the corner of my monitor.) Her streaming schedule is as follows:

Friday: 9PM to 12AM CST
Saturday: 8PM to 12AM CST
Sunday: 8PM to 11PM CST

If you can't catch any of her live streams, you can always check out her YouTube channel, to catch any dungeon runs and raids from earlier in the game.

When not streaming, you can follow Aina Baasch on her web site, Instagram, and Twitter.

Monday, July 6, 2015

HotS With LittleRed5

For a Twitch stream to hold my attention, it has to be entertaining, funny, and show off the game (any game - because it's my vice of choice) in a fun way shows me the ins and outs in a way that can (potentially - because playing with others involves skills I don't quite possess) make me a better player.

I can say, unequivocally, that I have found all of these qualities on LittleRed5's Twitch channel.

Watch live video from LittleRed5 on

Little Red is a long time gamer who loves RPGs and she's focusing a lot of her time playing Heroes of the Storm. I watched a few of Red's past broadcasts and - as much as I enjoy playing games - I just wanted to grab a snack and a drink, and keep watching. Not only does Red have the skills to back up any game she starts, but the commentary is quick-witted and really funny.

Red doesn't just play Heroes of the Storm (though I may have a new favorite spectator sport, after watching her go a few rounds). She also likes to mix things up with AAA games like The Witcher 3, and even some indie games, for a nice well-rounded mix.

Right now, LittleRed5's streaming schedule looks like this:

Tuesdays: 5-8pm

Wednesdays: 5-8pm (games with viewers!)

Fridays: 5-8pm

Occasional weekends and random days.

Seriously, if you like gaming, and want to watch some highly entertaining HotS sessions with a streamer not only is VERY good at the game, but makes the experience feel inclusive with the audience, check out LittleRed5 as soon as you get the chance!

Watch live video from LittleRed5 on Twitch