Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hot Live Gaming With YetiInTheMist

Catch Hot NEW Gamer YETI IN THE MIST on Twitch.TV!

Watch live video from YetiInTheMist on www.twitch.tv
Once again, I'm loving this resurgence of gamers who abhor intolerance (jumbo shrimp), and embrace games for the fun they are supposed to be! This is what gaming's all about - not shouting down and denigrating others, but enjoying games and building an inclusive community.

YetiInTheMist does streaming on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, starting at 10pm CST. The range of games varies - so it won't be more CoD swearing like a sailor for hours on end, and YetiInTheMist runs regular giveaways and contests.

Yeti will also be at the FIRST EVER TwitchCon in San Francisco at the Moscone Center on September 25th and 26th!

Want to find out the latest news and info about Yeti and the great giveaways? Follow him on Twitter and Facebook!

Streaming With junnyK

A lot of people have been popping up on my radar, lately, who actually play games for (spell it out with me) F-U-N! Fun! I swear, if this trend continues, I might just get back into streaming, myself.

Anyway, junnyK is a competitive/casual gamer who likes to (currently) play CS:GO, LoL, with plans to engage any other janky games that come down the line (so one can only hope that means multiplayer S.T.A.L.K.E.R.).

Watch live video from junnyK on www.twitch.tv
In all seriousness, junnyK is a damned entertaining gamer, and he moderates his channel in a way that's fun, while offering a safe place for people who...I don't know, hate racism, sexism, people bashing, and hostility in general - which is a huge plus, in my book!

junnyK has some entertaining an funny streams, and does regular Twitch giveaways - and you can find out more by keeping up with junnyK on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Steam!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

MeowBitch.tv - Kitty_haz_Claws

The trend we've been seeing lately is for gamers to really niche down their Twitch channels. The plus side of that is that there are certain channels, and you absolutely know that they'll be playing DayZ or Minecraft 24/7. You know what you're getting, and that's great. The downside is that one can only take so much of a few dozen "ALL CoD ALL THE TIME!" before getting a bit burned out on watching people scream into a headset and swearing when they didn't get to camp the right spot on the map before they were picked off by someone who is just *that* much better. And the cycle goes on...

Enter MeowBitch.tv, where streamer Kitty_haz_Claws is playing games, Monday-Friday from 7pm - 10pm CST.

Watch live video from Kitty_haz_Claws on www.twitch.tv

What I really like about watching Kitty_haz_Claws is that there is a variety of gaming - everything from retro emulation to indie, and even AAA games. There's variety, and that's what is compelling. I have to see what's happening because I know it will always be something different, and not "yet another arena deathmatch marathon."

Between the different games and the commentary, Kitty_haz_Claws provides a great space where people can be themselves, hang out, and enjoy watching streaming that offers an alternative to the "dedicated" bulletfests.

You can catch Kitty_haz_Clawz over on her own official site, as well as her Twitch channel and on Twitter.