Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Streaming With junnyK

A lot of people have been popping up on my radar, lately, who actually play games for (spell it out with me) F-U-N! Fun! I swear, if this trend continues, I might just get back into streaming, myself.

Anyway, junnyK is a competitive/casual gamer who likes to (currently) play CS:GO, LoL, with plans to engage any other janky games that come down the line (so one can only hope that means multiplayer S.T.A.L.K.E.R.).

Watch live video from junnyK on www.twitch.tv
In all seriousness, junnyK is a damned entertaining gamer, and he moderates his channel in a way that's fun, while offering a safe place for people who...I don't know, hate racism, sexism, people bashing, and hostility in general - which is a huge plus, in my book!

junnyK has some entertaining an funny streams, and does regular Twitch giveaways - and you can find out more by keeping up with junnyK on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Steam!

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