Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Hot Live Gaming With YetiInTheMist

Catch Hot NEW Gamer YETI IN THE MIST on Twitch.TV!

Watch live video from YetiInTheMist on www.twitch.tv
Once again, I'm loving this resurgence of gamers who abhor intolerance (jumbo shrimp), and embrace games for the fun they are supposed to be! This is what gaming's all about - not shouting down and denigrating others, but enjoying games and building an inclusive community.

YetiInTheMist does streaming on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, starting at 10pm CST. The range of games varies - so it won't be more CoD swearing like a sailor for hours on end, and YetiInTheMist runs regular giveaways and contests.

Yeti will also be at the FIRST EVER TwitchCon in San Francisco at the Moscone Center on September 25th and 26th!

Want to find out the latest news and info about Yeti and the great giveaways? Follow him on Twitter and Facebook!

Streaming With junnyK

A lot of people have been popping up on my radar, lately, who actually play games for (spell it out with me) F-U-N! Fun! I swear, if this trend continues, I might just get back into streaming, myself.

Anyway, junnyK is a competitive/casual gamer who likes to (currently) play CS:GO, LoL, with plans to engage any other janky games that come down the line (so one can only hope that means multiplayer S.T.A.L.K.E.R.).

Watch live video from junnyK on www.twitch.tv
In all seriousness, junnyK is a damned entertaining gamer, and he moderates his channel in a way that's fun, while offering a safe place for people who...I don't know, hate racism, sexism, people bashing, and hostility in general - which is a huge plus, in my book!

junnyK has some entertaining an funny streams, and does regular Twitch giveaways - and you can find out more by keeping up with junnyK on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Steam!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

MeowBitch.tv - Kitty_haz_Claws

The trend we've been seeing lately is for gamers to really niche down their Twitch channels. The plus side of that is that there are certain channels, and you absolutely know that they'll be playing DayZ or Minecraft 24/7. You know what you're getting, and that's great. The downside is that one can only take so much of a few dozen "ALL CoD ALL THE TIME!" before getting a bit burned out on watching people scream into a headset and swearing when they didn't get to camp the right spot on the map before they were picked off by someone who is just *that* much better. And the cycle goes on...

Enter MeowBitch.tv, where streamer Kitty_haz_Claws is playing games, Monday-Friday from 7pm - 10pm CST.

Watch live video from Kitty_haz_Claws on www.twitch.tv

What I really like about watching Kitty_haz_Claws is that there is a variety of gaming - everything from retro emulation to indie, and even AAA games. There's variety, and that's what is compelling. I have to see what's happening because I know it will always be something different, and not "yet another arena deathmatch marathon."

Between the different games and the commentary, Kitty_haz_Claws provides a great space where people can be themselves, hang out, and enjoy watching streaming that offers an alternative to the "dedicated" bulletfests.

You can catch Kitty_haz_Clawz over on her own official site, as well as her Twitch channel and on Twitter.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Streaming & Giveaways With Silvabul

If you watching tactical FPS games (CoD: Advanced Warfare, Black Ops, etc.) with fast conversation between the players, check out Silvabul over on Twitch.

Watch live video from Silvabul on www.twitch.tv

Silvabul is still growing an audience, which means the odds of winning a great giveaway are really good!

Show some love, win some free stuff, and check out great gameplay and conversation with Silvabul - currently streaming GTA, CoD: Advanced Warfare, and other great games. Head on over and check them out now!

Remember, you can always find me over on Steam, during the odd hours of the morning.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Battlefield Hardline With DeathStalks18

Sometimes I get in the mood to watch the chaos of One vs. All or the mayhem that ensues when Squad-based games go wrong. Then there are the people who do it right. People who use the advantages of the maps in games like Battlefield Hardline. DeathStalks18 is one of those individuals, who can size up a game and get in there to deliver an entertaining live stream on Twitch. Seriously, watching DeathStalks18 makes me want to start using my XB1 more often - but then again, it's so fun just to watch him play, that there's little else I want to do.

Watch live video from DeathStalks18 on www.twitch.tv

DeathStalks18 doesn't adhere to a schedule, but he tries to stream live at least 2-3 hours on weekdays, and 6-7 hours on weekends. Check him out!

Friday, July 10, 2015

FFXIV LPs With Aina Baasch

Sometimes my own schedule leaves me with little time play game (especially as of late), so I've taken to watching people who are really good at playing the games I enjoy. Lately, I've been watching Twitch streamer ainabaasch play FFXIV, because I get to see the whole game, and get to see some awesome endgame raids, dungeons, and new expansion content that I'm probably not going to be able to get to for months.

Watch live video from ainabaasch on www.twitch.tv

Aina Baasch is extremely good at the game, and highly entertaining to watch. (In fact, I've spent a good amount of time working with her raid videos playing in the corner of my monitor.) Her streaming schedule is as follows:

Friday: 9PM to 12AM CST
Saturday: 8PM to 12AM CST
Sunday: 8PM to 11PM CST

If you can't catch any of her live streams, you can always check out her YouTube channel, to catch any dungeon runs and raids from earlier in the game.

When not streaming, you can follow Aina Baasch on her web site, Instagram, and Twitter.

Monday, July 6, 2015

HotS With LittleRed5

For a Twitch stream to hold my attention, it has to be entertaining, funny, and show off the game (any game - because it's my vice of choice) in a fun way shows me the ins and outs in a way that can (potentially - because playing with others involves skills I don't quite possess) make me a better player.

I can say, unequivocally, that I have found all of these qualities on LittleRed5's Twitch channel.

Watch live video from LittleRed5 on www.twitch.tv

Little Red is a long time gamer who loves RPGs and she's focusing a lot of her time playing Heroes of the Storm. I watched a few of Red's past broadcasts and - as much as I enjoy playing games - I just wanted to grab a snack and a drink, and keep watching. Not only does Red have the skills to back up any game she starts, but the commentary is quick-witted and really funny.

Red doesn't just play Heroes of the Storm (though I may have a new favorite spectator sport, after watching her go a few rounds). She also likes to mix things up with AAA games like The Witcher 3, and even some indie games, for a nice well-rounded mix.

Right now, LittleRed5's streaming schedule looks like this:

Tuesdays: 5-8pm

Wednesdays: 5-8pm (games with viewers!)

Fridays: 5-8pm

Occasional weekends and random days.

Seriously, if you like gaming, and want to watch some highly entertaining HotS sessions with a streamer not only is VERY good at the game, but makes the experience feel inclusive with the audience, check out LittleRed5 as soon as you get the chance!

Watch live video from LittleRed5 on Twitch

Monday, June 29, 2015

Axiom Verge

Now that the glorious Steam Summer Sale is over, and I've has some time to actually play (some of) the games that made their way into my library (thanks to friends and devs alike), I'd like to tell you about Axiom Verge, by Thomas Happ.

I grew up with Metroid. Exploration, occasional glitches, interesting enemies, and an amazing soundtrack all converged to create an atmosphere that had me exploring every nook of the map, testing things, and racking up dozens (if not, hundreds) of hours of gameplay.

Axiom Verge recreates that atmosphere on a level I've not seen from other "Metroid-like" games. Even at full price, this gem is definitely worth every penny. Here's some gameplay of my time exploring and making it up to the first boss (or miniboss, I can't tell yet).

Summoners War With Omgbomber

With over 60 million people playing, worldwide, you could say that Summoners War is a pretty popular game. But Summoners War isn't a mobile game that has you tapping the screen mindlessly to waste time - Summoners War involves strategy, forethought, and a complete understanding of the rules.

To help you along, Twitch user (and top-rated Summoners War player) Omgbomber hosts regular sessions to give tips and strategic plans to get the most out of Summoners War.

Watch live video from Omgbomber on www.twitch.tv

Omgbomber streams live from 8am-8pm Central, with Friday night streaming starting at 6pm. For all other times and special events, you should head on over to Twitch and take a look at Omgbomber's schedule.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Space Platform For iOS

Space Platform is a fun and challenging platformer, involving physics, timing, and extreme jumping, while requiring the player to maintain awareness of the in-game surroundings.

The backstory for Space Platform is as follows:

 On May 4th, 2418 - A group of scientists introduced a program named “Sapien” to the public. The application can be used to alter or create a human from scratch.  For a period the world rejoiced as elimination of disease and immortality was becoming a reality. However, optimism was short lived as world leaders realized the dangers that came with the program. They feared biological terrorist attacks using the program.

As the world’s population split in two, World Leaders banned the program and ordered all of its copies destroyed. In secret, a group of scientists formed “The Resurrection Initiative”. They divided the last copy of the program into pieces and sent it into the orbits of random uninhibited planets.
Ironically it was too late. A terrorist cult released an “entity” into the atmosphere that could alter humans and make breathing oxygen deadly. Before anyone could figure out what’s going on. The human population was wiped out in less than a week.

You, Captain Sean Marshal were put in cryostatis as part of the “Resurrection Initiative” and woke up 200 years after human extinction. Your task is to collect the pieces of “Sapien” and resurrect humans. You are humanity’s only hope.

Space Platform is a first person slow paced platformer that relies more on knowing your surroundings and figuring out what you should do next. The game is set in space where the only sound you will hear is your footsteps. The core goal for each level is to collect the artifact and reach the teleporter.

Space Platform offers 20 unique levels, gorgeous graphics, and a minimal HUD so you can enjoy the game without anything interfering with your immersion. With great gameplay, zero ads, and zero in-app purchases, Space Platform is one of the best games I've played on the iPhone and iPad in a long time.

You can get Space Platform over on iTunes, and you can check out other games by the developer (Ahmed Imam) over at Muse Tools.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

86'm Clan Cuts Up On Destiny

Destiny has become one of my favorite spectator sports. Personally, I'm about as proficient at the game as I am at most multiplayer games, which is to say, I'm terrible. However, if you give me a live stream of players who are not only good at the game, but who keep up funny and fast chatter, and I'll watch for hours.

Watch live video from YeaaaCourtCourt on www.twitch.tv

Take the 86'm Clan over on isharehow. They have no problem making Destiny look easy, while cutting up on each other about who messed up worse during the game. You can catch them on their live stream from 9:30 to midnight on most nights, and you can keep up with their latest antics over on Twitter.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Dragon: A Game About A Dragon

I love good side-scrolling RPGs - from the hectic ones where guns and enemies are flying all over the screen, to the more casual ones that let me take in the artwork and the music, with some fun mechanics thrown in.

Dragon, by Games With Dragons In, definitely falls into the latter category, and was a perfect way to wind down after a stressful week of power outages, bad weather, and deadlines.

The premise is clever enough: The King has kidnapped Dragon's girlfriend, and now Dragon must travel through the land, taking on minions of the kingdom, wizards, and other contraptions in order to save his one true love (and take the occasional smoke break). There are power-ups throughout the game to enhance your flight ability (dragons have wings) and different breath weapons (because you are a dragon, after all).

The artwork is what made me eager to play this game before it was released - it's has a very hand-crafted feel, done in the style of crayon drawings, and the corners of the screen are turned like pages in the book, as you go through the narrative (which is very entertaining, and has the ability to laugh at gaming tropes without pulling you out of the overall experience).

I love games, but I'm terrible at playing them

In short, if you loved the pacing of some of the 16-bit era platformers, with a unique aesthetic and a soundtrack that completes the gameplay and pacing perfectly, then you should get this game. The game is pretty straight forward and forgiving about letting you try to do things, and which paths to take on the screen, but for $5.99 (USD) on Steam I can't think of a better way to spend you gaming money.

Also, this is a very independent production, with a quality that surpasses a LOT of the "retro-looking, procedurally-generated" stuff we're hit with on a weekly basis. Dragon is a really fun game that doesn't try to be anything more than it presents: A fun side-scrolling RPG (Dragon has stats, and you can level up) with a fun, hand-crafted look, and plenty of places to soak in the look and sounds of the game while enjoying whatever vices you prefer while rescuing your true love from a wicked king.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Watch Arathin90 Tomorrow At Noon For A HUGE Giveaway

Among Twitch streamers, Arathin90 is getting a huge audience - not just for showcasing great games and being entertaining as hell, but also for his amazing giveaways.

Starting tomorrow (April 17th, for those on the other side of the dateline), Arathin90 will be doing a 24 streaming extravaganza giving out one game an hour (that's 24 games total) along with Steam Cards, Smite Cards, LoL Cards, and More.  You can expect to see the latest and greatest, from GTA V (PC) to Outlast, Alien Isolation, Mortal Kombat X, and tons more.

Watch live video from arathin90 on www.twitch.tv

The whole show goes live at 12 PM Central, so check it out!

For more details and updates, follow Arathin90 on Twitch and Twitter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

OriginalShen: One of Our Favorite Streamers

OriginalShen is, by far, one of our favorite Twitch personalities. She's a huge supporter of girl streamers, and can usually be found playing Final Fantasy XIV with the occasional round of Guild Wars 2, CS:GO, or Path of Exile, and a few others. Combining skill with a sharp sense of humor, OriginalShen is definitely engaging and fun to watch, no matter what game is being played.

Watch live video from OriginalShen on www.twitch.tv

OriginalShen loves horror movies, punk rock (with a little ska and psychobilly mixed in for good measure), and dark books (as well as the classics).

Check her our on Twitch, where she usually streams Mon-Fri, between 2 PM and 8 PM EST, or you can follow her on Twitter (handle @shencrunch).

It's always great to watch someone who truly enjoys playing games, and you can bet we'll be following her live streams, and you should too!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Saturn Rising

Many look back at the history of console gaming, and point to the mid-90s as a pivotal point. Nintendo was toying with 3-D graphics. Sony entered the battle with the PlayStation, marking a switch from cartridge-based gaming to optical discs, and Sega - who for years was Nintendo's only real competition in the console wars after the market crash of the 1980s - released the Sega Saturn. The Saturn also ran games via optical discs, and boasted 3-D graphics, but something didn't click with audiences, despite some absolutely fantastic games.

Videogaminglounges.com - a site dedicated to bringing you the latest news on where to hang out and play new and classic games, recently posted a fantastic article about the Sega Saturn. They had the following to say:

"When it comes to original exclusive games, the Sega Saturn was a bit lacking, but still managed to produce some worthwhile hits that left a lasting impression. The first that comes to mind is Panzer Dragoon, a rail shooter where you ride on the back of a flying dragon. The opening cinematic to this game is still one of my favorites. Another well regarded side-scrolling RPG fighter that was released for the Saturn was Guardian Heroes. The storyline in this game is altered through the players' actions and choices, leading to multiple endings and the possibility of a unique experience with each play through." 

VGL has some great articles, but this one about the Sega Saturn really had the great gaming memories of my youth rushing back to me. I highly recommend you read their entire article on the Saturn, and then check out their other info. Videogaminglounges.com has some of the best articles on gaming and places to go and play games and meet friends.

Check them out now!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Watch The Newest Games and Win Stuff With Digital Trauma

If you like seeing the latest gaming titles on Twitch, as well as a chance to win awesome stuff like consoles and games, then you should check out Digital_Trauma05's channel!

From PC games to XBOX One, Digital Trauma plays not only the latest releases, but also isn't afraid to dive into his backlog. He plays games whenever he has time and likes to interact with visitors and regular followers alike.

For those who tune in to watch, Digital Trauma will be giving away SONY, XBOX, and Steam gift cards, as well as whole console packages.

Come for the contests, stay to watch entertaining gaming at its finest!

Watch live video from Digital_Trauma05 on www.twitch.tv

Friday, March 6, 2015

G2A Goldmine: How to make money when other people buy games

Everyone is always looking for deals on games, but no one can be expected to wait for the big winter and summer sales to get game keys. G2A is not only a great place to get popular game titles on a deep discount, but it's also a great way for people to earn money from both selling keys, as well as referring customers from you web site, game streaming channel, blog, or anyplace that gets you a lot of traffic!

G2A Goldmine is an innovative profit generator. It is fully integrated with G2A.COM, one of the leading games and software selling platforms. The money you are to earn is based on purchases made in the G2A shop using your ‘Reflinks’ or discount coupons. The information tracing your Reflinks can be easily accessed on each product page. you most likely wonder what a Reflink is, right? Let us take a look at the first set of information down here.

Earn money when other people buy games!

A Reflink is actually a simple link assigned individually to you only. If you wish to look for them they can be easily found in “My Profile” tab as well as in “Tools”. By clicking on the blue button “Copy reflink” you will create your own reflink and if your name is, for example Richie Rich, it should look like this: 

At first sight it may look simplistic but give it a chance – this is going to be your main tool that will help you earn money. In just a few steps we will tell you how you can use it to generate your first sale!

Forget about one-time only commissions! Each person who makes a purchase thanks to your recommendation will be permanently added to your Team. Thanks to that, every order made by that person in the future, will bring you profit. And that is just for a start up! If the person you invited, does the same with their friends you are going to get money through their shopping! Are you interested in how much you can make and why we are thinking in large scale?

According to numerous bloggers who have reached out to me about this, it is a great way to earn passive income!

Check out G2A Gold now!

Here is link: if you want to check more details
G2A Goldmine:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Catch Color: Fun While Improving Your Reflexes

Catch Color is a simple and addictive game by AFLA Games (the maker of Math Panic), with several ways of playing. Send the blue cubes across the blue bar and the red cubes across the red bar Are your reflexes good ? Play with friends and see who scores the highest.

Catch Color is available at both the Google Play Store and the iPhone App Store.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Fallen Temple

Over the past few years, I've become a bit jaded about any games that look like they were made in RPG Maker. When I was a teenager, and even in my early 20s, I would've been all over anything that remotely looked like a 16-bit era Final Fantasy game boasting 20+ hours of wandering and talking with people.

I'm pleased to report that Fallen Temple, an Early Access game on Steam, is anything BUT that. While the game is sparse (and also the undertaking of one person, as opposed to a team) right now, the gameplay is very reminiscent of The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, with quest assignments and a hub town that remind me of the Diablo games.

While I am (with exception) usually skeptical of Early Access games (we all recently lost Bot Colony before the official release due to its unsustainability), Fallen Temple shows a lot of process, and the sole developer is making strides with updates, the implementation of a day/night cycle, and filling the game world with puzzles, monsters, secrets, and everything that makes for a great action RPG.

This is definitely a game to watch as it develops - though it probably couldn't hurt to encourage the developer by tossing a few dollars his way. Fallen Temple retails for $4.99 (USD) on Steam.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Drive To Hell

Drive To Hell, by Ghost Crab Games, is a really fun shmup that is reminiscent of bullet hell arcade games, as well as Spy Hunter. The premise is simple: Your favorite dive bar is destroyed by a demon, and the logical response is to take your outrage to Hell itself to give the demon what for. Loaded with power ups, vehicle upgrades, and a ton of monsters, Drive To Hell is one of the more enjoyable new shmups I've played in the past few years.
Drive To Hell is available on Steam.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Get An Edge With WoWAssets.com

Check out WoWAssets.com for all your WOW gaming advice. Because we all need to cut some corners every once in a while. From getting gold, to tips on Warlord of Draenor, WoWAssets.com has everything you need to get an edge on the other players.